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Hybrid Sealant Adseal Door-Window-Siding

Hybrid Sealant Adseal Door-Window-Siding

Outdoor use, available in 304 ml cartridge.
ADSEAL 1940 is a hybrid sealant used for exterior doors, windows, and siding.
Colour matched to James Hardie & Maibec CanExel Engineered Siding colours.
Features & benefits
- Manufactured in Canada
- Certified Ecologo
- Ideal for doors, windows, and siding
- Will not crack or split during their lifespan, even throughout multiple heat and cold cycles, contrarily to thermoplastics.
- Tack free within 10 to 30 minutes
- Ready to paint after 30 minutes
- Ideal for perimeter and movement joints
- Can be used on aluminum, glass, masonry, some plastics, painted and unpainted metals
- Excellent resistance to UVs
- Indoor and outdoor use
- Non-corrosive and compatible with sealed units
- Low VOC
- Low odour